Making creativity accessible

London is regarded as the creative hub of the UK, but there are islands of talent which aren’t connected to the opportunities on offer. We’ve spoken to young people, educators and practitioners about why. We’ve found that there is a tendency not to pursue creative professions because young people feel alienated by a lack of support for entering and maintaining a creative career.
At REDEYE, we’re focused on building bridges. Bridges that will connect students, emerging creatives, educators and industry professionals. 
  • Exhibition and Screening experiences

    REDEYE provides unrivalled exhibition and screening experiences that showcase non-Western perspectives. The comprehensive REDEYE experience includes activities such as panel discussions, performances, workshops and networking that contribute to furthering the creative ecosystem. REDEYE has provided experiences at The Garden Cinema, SLG, Africa Centre and more.

    Please get in touch to partner with us or to inquire about our bespoke offering, including set design, curation and hosting.

  • In the right direction

    Students should have a relevant work placement as part of the national educational syllabus. Starting with Southwark College and our network of local businesses, we’re connecting students to work experience opportunities with creatives and media companies, providing important bridges for Southwark College students.

    Discover how you can work with us to support socio-economic diversity for young creatives aspiring to a professional creative career.

  • Building on our past

    We aspire to take our creative engagement pathway to other communities. The intention is to work with companies and other entities to strengthen intra-community bonds and reiterate the value of an immediate community and its talents. We'll partner with institutions that have the need and would like our support. And work with providers of other programmes to reach other age groups and areas.

As a community organisation, we rely on funding to support our initiatives and programs.

Help support our work by donating.

We are particularly interested in learning about funding opportunities that could help us expand our work, reach a wider audience, and provide more opportunities for underrepresented groups. We’d love to hear from you.